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39th PNAA Annual Convention

Excitement was apparent in everyone’s face as we entered the beautiful and spacious lobby of Hyatt Regency Hotel at the Hudson River in New Jersey! It was July 24, 2018 when delegates from all over the US started to arrive for the Annual Convention. Many see each other only once a year and so the scene was like a homecoming event with hugs, kisses, laughter, etc. 

On July 25, the President, Dino Doliente III convened his Executive Board with PNAAF President Merlita Velasquez and Executive Director, Annie Vista. This was his last administration meeting and final reports were presented by the Officers and Committee Chairs. The past two years were very productive and a long list of achievements was presented by the President. The afternoon was the COP (Circle of Presidents) meeting, then Regional meeting followed by the Town Hall meeting with the President.

The evening deviated from the previous way of welcoming delegates. It truly was an Extravaganza, a Barrio Fiesta-Portraying the Filipino Culture and Cuisine. Folk Dances by our own nurses were performed gracefully and with precision. The outfits were authentic and colorful. We felt like we’re home in the Philippines with the delectable lechon, pansit, egg rolls and many more. It was a unique and special night to remember.

The next day, July 26 was the Face to face Annual Meeting of PNAAF. Majority of the Board of Trustees were present and everyone was very eager to be here as this is the time the PNAA/PNAAF Legacy Headquarters will be presented, blessed, and ribbon- cutting ceremony will be done. President Merlita Velasquez warmly welcomed everyone then called the meeting to order. Phoebe Andes, PNAAF Founding President gave the Invocation setting a spiritually positive and successful outcome of the day. Secretary Nancy Hoff made the Roll Call and presented the previous minutes which was approved by the Board. The first in the Agenda was the ratification of the Resolution to increase the number of Trustees from 21 to 26 and the amendment was approved unanimously. The much-awaited election was presided by the Nomelec Chair, Sally Ani. The candidates were presented followed by secret ballot voting. Results were announced afterwards by Sally Ani. 

The newly elected, re-elected and appointed Board of Trustees are:

  • Danet Bluhm

  • Mindy Carlay

  • Tita Ravi

  • Romeo De Vera 

  • Ophelia Frazier

  • Marianela Jacob

  • Tessie Oculto

  • Susan Repotente

  • Val Villanueva

  • Nancy Walch

The oath-taking was proudly administered by President Dino Doliente.


The PNAAF meeting was briefly interrupted to give way to President Merlita Velasquez’s presentation about the PNAA/ PNAAF Legacy Headquarters to the Leadership Institute attendees funded by PNAAF. The emotionally charged, prideful, and jubilant speech of President Merlita was met with almost continuous applause by the crowd giving a message of happiness that “ Now we have a home, and our dream is now a reality.”


The afternoon was spent productively by the different Committee Chairs’ reports. The President announced enthusiastically the new Chairpersons for the different Committees. She also expressed her very deep gratitude and great pride for all the contributions given by all Trustees to timely deliver the PNAA/PNAAF Legacy Headquarters as promised to coincide with the 39th PNAA Annual Convention in New Jersey. 

Marathon Participants

2020 pnaa/pnaaf 

5K challenge

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1346 How Lane Suite 109/110, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902   ●  T  Office (732) 354-4533 






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