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MSMT PNAAF Medical Mission

My Dear MSMT and PNAA/PNAAF  Medical mission volunteers,

Here is the summary of  our patient census/ service activities  during our MSMT/ PNAAF medical mission at n Davao for 4 days , in 4   different towns   Jan 21-24, 2019. 

I would like to gratefully  acknowledge  all the good   " old " MSMT group  and the  new  volunteers  who joined us  at our very successful  2019 Medical Mission   co- sponsored  by  PNAA Foundation.


Drs. Fe, and Mary Jane,  please share this report to  all you wonderful  MD classmates and friends   who    generously volunteered  their valuable time and resources  in joining  us ,It is  a wonder that they dont look their age  and their  stamina and dedication is inspiring. 

To all the PNAA/PNAAF nurses , my sincerest  gratitude  in supporting  our PNAAF pioneering  Medical mission, you all  are awesome , special mention  to Dr. Sheila Austria  our  lone and  well experienced  nurse  anesthetist,  to our PNAAF  Exec. Dir. Dr. Annie Vista , for checking  daily attendance and  sign -in sheet, Manolita " Bong Dayon  [, PNAWIN ] who  is 'local" and speaks the dialect  and responsible in the smooth flow  of processing the medical  open clinic . 

The  group of Susan Repotente [ PNANE]  , who paid  and  responsible  for  the  School Children Feeding Program , and served  880 school children. ,  the   OR and Recovery  Nurses  team of Gina and Michelle. , and the Military Dental Team .


The group of Mindy Carlay responsible in  medicine / pharmacy dispensing team., and ,  the husband and wife team of Lourdes and Steve [Mr. Santa Claus }tirelessly  distributing  their Boutique  of clothing,, toys,  sports gears,  home goods and other goodies [ including candies ]   to every client/ patient.

To Dr. Chris Sorongon, who helped us coordinate this very  successful  Medical mission and  the dedicated follow-up by   our gracious host, the  Braulio Dujali  MHO ,   Dr. Cherry Taruc- Dema-ala.  in collaborating  with  Mayor Leah Moral and the other MHO   from  Panabo , Sto Tomas and Carmen .

Our first Medical mission day , 1/21/19  started with a well organized   official  WELCOME  from the  Munipality of Braulio Dujali  led by no other than the lovely Mayor Leah Moral and  some  Municipality  officials. 

A warm welcome address   delivered by Mayor Leah  Moral  to the MSMT/PNAAF volunteers, she presented us  a beautiful plaque for MSMT and PNAAF ,  she gave  gift bag  for every volunteer  consisting  of their local produce, 3lbs of  roasted rice coffee for export, ,  local  sweets  export quality and a lei, courtesy of  the Local government Unit [LGU].

It was a pleasure  to have  everyone in the TEAM, They were all  wonderful to work with , very hospitable host  and  jolly, and supportive  volunteers. It was beautiful to witness the  efficient collaboration,coordination  and dedication  between the Medical Doctors and the Registered nurses,  including all the other  volunteers .

All the host Cities were very grateful , some  patients  claimed, " this is the first time they had an " imported" medical  missioneers"  providing  this kind of  medical/ surgical  care   with their community /constituents"  and they are truly  very grateful.

These comments are enough to make our days  great and blessed ,  and make us feel fulfilled in our advocacy.

Personally , I had one major wish, , that we could have done more major surgeries but  the  Regional hospital  have  limited capabilities  , they can only provide  2 sterile surgical packs everyday for our use.

My prayer is , They need a donation for a small autoclave to  meet the surgical  needs  and expand their  services to their communities. 

I heard  from the " first timers  "  that all the volunteers  were happy  to have joined us and had a wonderful experience in helping our  fellow Filipinos during the Mission.

Some said they felt blessed  and spiritually fulfilled, and will join again. I too experienced that feeling of content and peace, at the end of the day's work.


Everyday, Our blessings  starts   with a good breakfast  at the hotel, , excellent lunch  at the Mission site , and  superb  dinner receptions. We enjoyed all different fruits  from Davao  Region , known for their quality and abundance of fruits  in the entire Country,  like  lanzones, caimito, marang ,  guayabano, Durian, mangosteen,  pineapple   among many  others and of course  , their  famous Del Monte  bananas.


The night before our last day  1/ 23/19, we held our Recognition  and  Awarding Night  presided by MSMT Pres. Dr. Mary Jane. We ended the  wonderful event with  DANCING  the night away, , [  the  best  physical. exercise to expend the extra calories  from the  superb  dinner.]


On our last day we were  served  with a feast of  abundant foods, succulent lechons, seafoods,, grilled and soups   vegetables, balut  and different local  deserts.  and fruits  evermore.

The PNAA/PNAAF nurses   were all ready to be transported to Davao City to attend the 5th International Collaborative Conference  .1/25/2019-1/26-2019


Most of the MSMT  volunteers stayed  behind  for their most awaited Rest and Recreation    [R&R ] weekend. 

Please allow me to say THANK YOU  AGAIN AND  AGAIN  to everyone ,  from the bottom of my heart. 


For those unable to join us , we missed you. 


Hope to see  everyone  again ,  Till the next Medical Mission. 


God bless. 

Merlita Velasquez

PNAAF President

MSMT  Vice President

Marathon Participants

2020 pnaa/pnaaf 

5K challenge

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