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Foundation Building Fund

In June, 2000 Phoebe Andes, Immediate Past President of PNAAF and Past President of PNAA, suggested to the then President of PNAA, Pete Calixto to establish a PNAA Foundation. Acknowledging the importance and advantages of a Foundation, Pete Calixto appointed Phoebe Andes to explore the feasibility of establishing a Foundation.


At the PNAA annual convention in Chicago, Illinois in July of 2001, the Foundation became a reality when a core group of PNAA leaders finalized the by-laws. The core group of PNAA leaders, namely Dr. Linda Simunek, Dr. Marie Couper, Ampy dela Paz, Lolita Compas, Emma Nemivant, Phoebe Andes, and Araceli Antonio contributed in the preparation of the Foundation agenda for the general assembly presentation. The Foundation Bylaws were then presented and unanimously accepted. The assembly approved $5,000.00 as seed money, and voted for the current name of PNAA Foundation. The assembly approved the following officers: Phoebe Andes, President; Lolita Compas, Vice President; Ampy dela Paz; Executive Director; Araceli Antonio; Secretary; Martha Cabarios – Treasurer; Marie Couper – Board Member; Linda Simunek – Legal Advisor.


On October 17, 2002, the PNAA Foundation became incorporated in Trenton, New Jersey as a nonprofit organization that will operate as a supportive arm of the PNAA. At the same time the application for a 5O1 (c) (3) status was filed. PNAAF promotes and provides opportunities for philanthropy in support of professional advancement and health for all PNAA members through education, scholarship, management and research.


PNAAF allocates its resources to educational and professional programs and activities, including continuing education, research, and scholarships. It provides educational grants to PNAA Leadership Training Institute at regional and national conferences.


PNAAF 1st election occurred during the PNAA Annual conference at Anaheim, California on July 11, 2007.


The PNAAF is still in its infancy. Early part of 2007 the board of trustees launched the first major project, the Founding Members Initiative, which is an opportunity for all nurses, their families, friends and supporters, to be a Founding Member of the Foundation. The main purpose of the FMI is to raise funds to acquire a permanent address for PNAA/PNAAF. This is the time to make this happen.


Reference: Historical Perspective of the PNAA Foundation by Phoebe Andes, MA, RN PNAAF Founding President and Pete Calixto, RN, PNAAF Vice President, PNAA Past President

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