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The 2019-2021 PNAAF officers and trustees were inducted in front Of the General Assembly during the 40 PNAA Anniversary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. This group of men and women, who took the oath of office, take their roles and responsibilities to heart. The officers have the creativity and wisdom to lead the foundation and have unwavering faith in the hearts of the members. They will continue to fulfill the mission of the foundation to "Promote and provide opportunities for philanthropy in support of professional advancement Of all Filipino-American nurses and health for all through nursing care, education, scholarship, management and research."

During the past four years, PNAAF officers and trus- tees, under the leadership of the indefatigable immediate past president Merlita Velasquez, were focused on the reali- zation of the vision and dream of a permanent home for PNAA. Through the collaboration of PNAA and PNAAF, more than contributions were generated to build the home we now have in New Brunswick, New Jersey, making the vision a reality. New Jersey is where PNAA started and now, New Jersey is where the PNAA/PNAAF Headquarters is located.

What will the future bring? A strong foundation has been laid, roadmaps were created through strategic planning by past and present PNAAF officers and trustees and with the goal for advocacy through philanthropic giving, caring, and collaborating, what else can be in store but a brighter and more solid future. PNAA and PNAAF will continue to collabo- rate to maintain a strong organization for the Filipino Nurses.

Marathon Participants

2020 pnaa/pnaaf 

5K challenge

Copyright 2015. Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation. All rights reserved.

1346 How Lane Suite 109/110, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902   ●  T  Office (732) 354-4533 






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