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The Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation, Inc.  promotes and provides opportunities for philanthropy in support  of professional advancement of all Filipino American nurses and health for all through nursing care, education, scholarship, management and research.



The Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation, Inc (PNAAF), in partnership with the Philippine Nurses Association of America (PNAA),  supports the development of Filipino American nurses to their fullest potential, and facilitates their contributions to health and well- being  for all through nursing care, education,  management and research.




The values of the Philippine American Nurses Association Foundation, Inc., are accountability, integrity, professionalism, stewardship and transparency.




The PNAAF a non-profit organization that is tax exempt under section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code,  focuses on  development programs in support of the objectives of PNAA , health and well-being for all.

The goals of the Foundation shall include, but will not be limited to the following:

  • Provide an organizational structure and establish mechanisms to acquire, allocate, disburse, and manage development resources.

  • Plan, implement and evaluate these mechanisms.

  • Initiate and nurture development networks at the state and national levels.  



Marathon Participants

2020 pnaa/pnaaf 

5K challenge

Copyright 2015. Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation. All rights reserved.

1346 How Lane Suite 109/110, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902   ●  T  Office (732) 354-4533 






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