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39th PNAA Annual Convention (Part 2)

The evening was a colorful parade of Avant-Garde: unique style of fashion which was innovation at its best! Materials used were items from the hospital such as, surgical drapes, empty intravenous plastic bags, ampules, medicine cups, and various creative and out-of-the-ordinary decor. All attendees were in the spirit of fun and camaraderie. The program featured competition among the regions: North Central; South Central; Eastern; Western; and combined PNAA/PNAAF. As one of the judges, Annie Vista made the announcement of the Winners. Actually, they were All Winners as everyone performed exceptionally well under different categories. The night was capped with a special skit as a tribute to President Dino Doliente 111 with special gifts from PNAA and PNAAF. This whole special gesture made him cry with extreme joy and deep appreciation to All. Everyone in the ballroom showed their pride and happiness for the amazing, unprecedented productive two years of leadership of Dino with his slogan: Innovate, Inspire. He delivered and exceeded!!!

The highlight of the Education Day was the great Speakers led by American Nurses Association President, Dr. Pamela Cipriano, who proudly heralded in her keynote speech, “Nurses Leading in a Changing World.” Other interesting topics were: Post-Acute Care Continuum; Opioid Addiction; Hand and Glove Technology and Innovations; Nursing Research Innovation and Collaboration; and Education for Global Citizenship. The evening was a relaxing Hudson Dinner Cruise via Cornucopia Destiny, a four-deck vessel that allowed guests to view the New York Skyline, famous Statue of Liberty, iconic Ellis Island, and more.

July 28 was for the runners and walkers and supporters of the 5K Fitness Challenge, which is a yearly event to raise funds for PNAA/PNAAF projects. It was chaired over-all by PNAAF Tita Ravi with PNAA Rino Alcantara and other Leaders. The team set a goal of $50,000.00 and raised very close to that amount. 

With all attendees present at the General Assembly, the President recited succinctly all his accomplishments during his term and everyone in the Hudson Ballroom was very impressed, captivated, and focused on the Strengths,  Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. The Legacy Book launching was a huge success; most of the Past Presidents were present and signed the books with Dr. Tuazon leading the group. 

The exceptional Gala Event marked the Inauguration of the New President, Madelyn Yu. She was exceedingly radiant in her beautiful and elegant white gown, and with her highly inspirational speech, followed by a grand march introducing her to the excited and adoring crowd, it symbolized a beginning of an era in PNAA, with President Doliente signing off.

The last day, July 29 started with the Holy Mass at the hotel. The much-awaited Ribbon Cutting and Blessing of the new building— PNAA/PNAAF Legacy Headquarters was attended by many delegates. The address is 1346 How Lane, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902. The historical and symbolic signing of the CERTIFICATE OF KEY BEQUEATHAL by PNAA and PNAAF was done during the program. The emcee was Secretary Nancy Hoff, Welcome Greetings given by President Merlita Velasquez, Inspirational Message by President Dino Doliente, Blessing by the Deacon, Ribbon Cutting by New President Madelyn Yu and President Dino Doliente, assisted by PNAAF President Velasquez, Executive Director Annie Vista and other Trustees. The Founding Members Initiative Names, Legacy Tree Donor Names with Emerald and Gold Leaves, and Sponsors/Council of Trustees ($10,000.00 and above) nicely framed pictures were displayed at the Building door entrance. This task was headed by our hardworking Nancy Hoff. The closing and Thanksgiving remarks were delivered by Annie Vista. Deep gratitude to Everyone who made the Legacy Headquarters possible: PNAAF Board of Trustees led by President Velasquez; Building and Development Committee, special mention to the New Jersey team (led by Amor Castro, Rose Estrada, Phoebe Andes, Leo Jurado, Madelyn Yu, Becky Graboso and others); PNAA for their huge donation of $225,000.00; to All Donors, Sponsors/Council of Trustees; and to the New Jersey host led by PNANJ President Rose Rosales and Past President Rebecca Graboso.


By Annie Vista, PhD, MS, RN
PNAAF Executive Director

Marathon Participants

2020 pnaa/pnaaf 

5K challenge

Copyright 2015. Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation. All rights reserved.

1346 How Lane Suite 109/110, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902   ●  T  Office (732) 354-4533 






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